Marching, Jazz and Pep Bands

Marching Band


The Kings High School Marching Band proudly performs at all home and away football games, several parades, and competitions. A traditional style marching band, members learn and perfect one show throughout the season. Marching Band begins in during the summer with mini band camps and full band camp. Marching Band is an extra-curricular group and requires extensive after school rehearsals in the fall. Members of the marching band must be proficient on their instrument and demonstrate the drive and determination necessary to be in a group constantly striving for improvement.

The KHS Marching Band consists of three sections, and when you hear “Marching Band” or “Full Band” it includes them all:

  •  Wind Ensemble – All woodwind and brass players
  •  Percussion Ensemble – Field percussion (snare, tenor, bass drums) and 
     Stationary Percussion (keyboard and auxiliary)
  •  Color Guard – Expresses emotion through movement and by manipulating equipment (flags, rifles and sabres)

No individual player or section can exist on their own, and each takes pride in their performance. Precision, diligence and a team effort is essential to the Marching Band’s success.

Jazz Band


Students interested in playing in the Kings Jazz Band must audition. Enrollment is limited by instrumentation. The music studied and performed focuses on learning the fundamentals of different jazz styles and an introduction to the art of improvisation in an ensemble setting.

Pep Band


The Pep Band performs at all Kings basketball home basketball games. Pep Band is a voluntary group. The group meets for about 30 minutes before the game and performs music from the Marching Band repertoire and some new music.